“When I was young my brother would come up with raps for me to say when my family and friends would meet up then as a teenager I started writing in my notebook and finally started recording at a friend’s uncle’s house secretly because my mom wanted me focused on football and school,” says Deniro.
Musical influences include Jay-Z, J Cole, Dave East and Wale. Banxx has worked with DJ Ryan Wolf and Clockwork Muzik Group amongst others in Cleveland. Most known for his single Tristan Thompson, he has been featured on many sites including Imfromcleveland.com, thisis50.com and clevelandhiphop.net. He has also performed at local Cleveland nightclubs, dates on several different tours as well as SXSW 2017. His music can be found on many platforms such as Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon and Tidal
“When I made “Way Up” I wanted the song to represent progression, even in negative times,” says Deniro on the concept for the video. “The visual goes back and forth between high angles and shots of us to show that even though we’re down her we elevated out minds and our spirits.”
Way Up is the second single off of his upcoming project "44137" slated to drop late 2017. Mike with Clockworkmuzikgroup, @clockworkmuzik, produced the song. The video was shot by SceneAmatiX, @thechipotlegod, and features E Money, @_emoney1.
Follow him on twitter at @denirobanxx216 IG: denirobanxx FB: deniro banxx YouTube channel: deniro banxx SoundCloud: denirobanxx216
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