Sunday, August 10, 2014

[Video] Jonezen (@JoneZenMusic) ft. D' Meetri - Bombs Away

JONEZEN is a talented rapper and songwriter from Detroit, turned public speaker. He currently shares his story to help people find hope again. He’s an unlikely spokesperson who is currently working hard and maintaining his sobriety within a world that is packed with all the wrong choices. JONEZEN learned the hard way and was told at the age of 26 that he may not live another year due to his excessive drinking. When JONEZEN was at his lowest his father came to see him, JONEZEN says; “My Dad flew out from Detroit when I hit bottom and told me it was rehab or no connection with my family. The look in his eyes when he left my apartment was literally what got me to decide to go to rehab.” JONEZEN refused to go to rehab unless he could bring his recording studio. While in rehab he started writing and recording songs that are available now via his mixtape "Live From Rehab". JONEZEN has landed a deal with Concore Entertainment. Concore Entertainment CEO Charve The Don says that "JONEZEN is one of the brightest upcoming stars in music. JONEZEN is a very special talent with a unique story that is helping a lot of people around the world." Checkout JONEZEN's video for "Bombs Away" from his highly anticipated album "Beautiful Disaster".

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